Thursday, February 21, 2008


SONG LAO SHI, OUR CHINESE TEACHER SCOLDED US AS MS KOK LET US OFF LATE FOR HER LESSON. zzzzzz. she scolded us like its our fault that ms kok let us off late & not telling ms kok that its CHINESE now. anyways. only 1 passed chinese in our class. how pathetic. the HOD of chinese even came in to our class & scolded us for not doing the chinese compos. oh yeah! we did a survey on the chinese teacher & almost ALL my answers were disagree. i seriously think the school needs to get us a new & GOOOD chinese teacher.

okay, anyways. today was a sad day. had geog map reading test & i think im going to fail the whole of geog. D: bloody hell.

today's house practice, the wind was bloody strong and some person came up to me & egg and ask us to hold the screen down. so, in other words, I HELD ON TO THE SCREEN THROUGHOUT FOR THE WHOLE OF HOUSE MEETING. claps

MIT, goodnesss, podcasting again. can we do something interesting like adobe photoshop. i dont think MIT will ever get disband & we'll return to our own lovely clubs. i would rather go for 2 days of photography & listen to mr go talk like for 2 hours then rather do random stuff like videoing 1 session, comic strip nxt session & stone in the IT resource room.

oh, there was MIT BONDING session today. i pratically sat there for like 15mins & not moving an inch . no one called my name during the wacko session, heh.

im so going to die when i get back my results.

lets just pretend that ahbaba is me, jumping in the water :D

& neoyun, this is what will happen ,

when you zi lian with my camera! :D i'll post them upppp!

oh, congrats to singapore who is going to host the 1st youth olympics in 2010 ! :D

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