Saturday, October 04, 2008

"BEST" Movie Ever. (detect my sarcasm)

OMG, YOU GUYS SHOULD WATCH ''KOMODO VS COBRA'' (movie). IM WATCHING NOW ON CHL 5 WITH BRO & WE ARE LAUGHING OUR ASSES OFF. horrible acting, horrible graphics (2D pasted people), horrible plot, with some LOADS retardness.

bro said that the actors/actresses are 3rd rated, but i think they just grabbed some tom, dick and harry from the street, & i think its home made. we kept laughing at the actors & actresses constipating trying to cry & manymore stupid sences.

okay, i wont say more, but here are some videos as proof.

reloading is overrated, LOL. bro counted 92 shots, but who knows! xD

HAHAHAS, go watch it, not as a sci-fic show, but as a comedy. okay, off to laugh at the remaining part of the show :D

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